B-Line @ The Redd

Reshaping the regional food economy.

B-Line at the Redd is an urban consolidation and distribution center serving regional producers and local vendors. We make it easier for you to scale your business through managed à la carte services.

Proud member of the hub at Redd West

The hub at Redd West is home to a vibrant community of food-based enterprises.

Redd West provides critical infrastructure—helping food entrepreneurs grow their business through scale-appropriate solutions for warehousing, storage, distribution, logistics, processing, and business development support. Our core team is made up of businesses ranging from a plant-based grocery to pasture-raised meats, soup delivery by bike, to growing the next generation of food system leaders.

Learn  more about the hub
B-line delivers on the promise that business can be a catalyst for social and environmental change.
1140 SE 7th Ave, Ste. 190, Portland, OR 97214
Certified B Corporations meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.
Site by Mom+Pop
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