B-Line is proud to be a a member of the following forward-thinking organizations:
B-corporation, a new type of company that uses the power of business to create public benefit.
VOIS, the new sustainable business alliance that engages and supports forward-thinking businesses to create a new prosperity.
Sustainable Business Network of Portland, a great resource for local businesses who are looking to play a key role in shaping our community and making it a good place to live and work.
Bicycle Transportation Alliance, opening both minds and roads to bicycling.
Our riders are delighted to wear Showers Pass gear. It keeps us dry when it's wet, cool when it's hot, and is bomb-proof through the ruggedness of outdoor bicycle delivery.
B-Line gratefully acknowledges funding from the Portland Development Commission to help grow our fleet of vehicles, from the Multnomah-Washington County Regional Investment Board for the purpose of green-collar job creation, and tax credits from the Oregon Department of Energy for the production of locally made trikes and electric motors.